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HaveusAerotech signs MoU with Air India

Haveus Aerotech India, chosen by Dubai World Central (DWC) to build the first and most advanced maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) at Dubai’s Al Maktoum International Airport, has signed a MoU with Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL), a subsidiary of Air India to help set up engine MRO facility to cater to the burgeoning demand of engine maintenance, repair and overhauling services in the Gulf region.

H R Jagannathan, CEO, AIESL, said, “AIESL has vast aviation and engine experience which we will deploy to provide Haveus Aerotech India with all necessary support in terms of provision of skilled manpower and quality certification related to the facility.”

As per the MoU, AIESL will provide experienced engineers, skilled manpower and technical personnel to Haveus Aerotech India to build and operate MRO facility at Dubai. AIESL will provide the required support to Haveus Aerotech in procuring 145 certifications to establish an engine MRO at Dubai. Haveus Aerotech can use the AIESL facilities and manpower for engine overhaul of CFM56/CF6 series and any other engine or APU in India till Haveus Aerotech facility is operational in Dubai. AIESL will also work in unison with Haveus Aerotech and will provide any surplus work generated to Haveus Aerotech.

Talking on the significance of the MoU, Jagannathan said, “This significant development of the MOU signed between Haveus Aerotech India and AIESL will help AIESL to gain inroads into the world aviation market. The MoU will be beneficial for the two companies witnessing the massive expansion in aviation field. A new revolution in the field of skilled manpower by India is coming wherein AIESL can meet the huge demand of skilled people worldwide.”

H E Khalifa Al Zaffin, executive chairman, Dubai Aviation City Corporation (DACC) signed an exclusive contract with Anshul Bhargava, managing director of HaveusAerotech India, to build and operate eco-friendly and ultramodern CFM56-7B/5B MRO facility in the whole of Gulf region at Dubai’s Al Maktoum International Airport.

Anshul Bhargava said, “Haveus Aerotech’s ultra modern, technologically advanced MRO facility in Dubai involves an investment of over US$ 100 million. It will be spread over 9000 square metre area and cater to the burgeoning demand of Aircraft engine overhaul of CFM56-7B and 5B fitted on Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 family aircraft in the Gulf, Far East, Asian and the adjoining regions.”

“The MRO facility will be able to service 100 engines in a year. Haveus Aerotech India will also be responsible to co-ordinate project buildup, marketing, training, purchase, providing of technical services, man power sourcing and securing of requisite certifications besides whole lot of other day to day activities involved too efficiently run the MRO with the battery of most experienced aviation professionals,” added Bhargava.