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Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport named most hassle-free airport in the US


Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) has been named as the most hassle-free airport in the United States, according to a new survey conducted by Concur. The study shows travelers giving high satisfactory percentage levels, based on clear signage (42 per cent), good Wi-Fi coverage (41 per cent) and availability of a variety of quality food options (41 per cent).

The survey was conducted through an online interview with 1,500 passengers who regularly travel for business purposes. The respondents were asked to assess check in lines, security checkpoints, customs and airport signage, among many other factors.

Travelers from the UAE have also shown high levels of satisfaction for DFW, as reflected in an impressive 8.67 out of 10 ranking given by Emirates Airlines passengers for their overall customs experience at the airport where its high-capacity customs facility provides short wait times, even during peak hours. Additionally, DFW has ranked in the top five for customer service among large airports worldwide in surveys conducted by Airports Council International for the past five years, making it one of the world’s most highly regarded airports.